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Liste de lecture

Voici quelques sources inspirantes qui continuent d'alimenter mes réflexions!





  • Christians, L.L., Legault-Laberge, R.M., Lesch, W., Noël, P.C. (2023). La responsabilité sociale des entreprises à l’égard des cultures, des religions et des convictionsPresses universitaires de Louvain.  

  • d’Iribarne, P. (2009). National Cultures and Organisations in Search of a Theory. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 9(3), 310.

  • FISHER, R.D., URY, W. (1983; revised edition 2011) “Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In”. New York: Pinguin Books, 207p.

  • GRANT, A. (2023). Think again: The power of knowing what you don't know. Viking/Penguin Random House. 397p.

  • Lederach, J.P. (2003) The Little Book of Conflict Transformation. Intercourse (PA): Good Books, 80p.

  • Puccini, P., Vatz Laaroussi, M., Gélinas, C. (2022). La médiation interculturelle – Aspects théoriques, méthodologiques et pratiques. Editore Ulrico Hoepli. 172p.

  • STONE, D., PATTON, B., HEEN, S. (1999). Difficult conversations. How to discuss what matters most. New York: Viking, 250p.

  • URY, W. (1999) Getting to Peace: Transforming Conflict at Home, at Work and in the World. New York: Viking-Pinguin Group, 203p.


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